I haven't been able to find anything in the wiki except a reference to getting children back from goblin snatchers, which I've not had to try, so I don't know if they have normal inventory screens when there is a snatched child in their posession. I ask both of these together because I figure they might be related somehow. Galena is also magma-safe, but just barely.Since galena is an ore however youll probably want to use something else for magma management. When galena ore is smelted, it will always produce one lead bar.There is also a 50 chance of a silver bar being produced. Shortly after that, getting the items was no problem, but my dwarves lost out on their training Galena is an ore of both lead and silver.It is found as veins in a variety of locations. This alone wouldnt be a problem since they can still get water from the rest of the river (must be in a different biome), however because the river cuts into the mountain the only safe place to stand would be. One poor ore produces 15 metal units, one normal ore produces 25 metal units, and one rich ore produces 35 metal units. When the world generates an ore vein, it has a 20 chance to be rich, a 30 chance to be poor, and a 50 chance to be normal. Bouldergloves East should be complete by years end. There is no sentiment for the home under the blood.

28th Galena, 127 Bouldergloves West is demolished. I eventually just placed the cages, linked them to a lever, flooded the room, then pulled the lever. When winter came, the parts of the river carving into my fortress froze. Ore veins are completely made up of a single type of ore: poor, normal or rich. 13th Galena, 127 A herd of Anaconda People have been spotted far to the East.
I captured a half dozen goblin raiders the other day, and couldn't figure out how to take their items and leave them alive in their cage for eventual use to give my dwarves live training dummies. Is there any way to give this non-weapon, non-armor valuable item to said dwarf?Īlso, I thought at one time that it was possible to remove items from the posession of caged enemies. I picked up a nice ring tonight from a trader, which happens to be made of emerald, which one of my legendary miners indicates they really like.