"It's been amazing to work with great producers and writers." When he has time to himself, he prefers to be outdoors, either hiking or being on a board - wakeboard, skateboard or snowboard. "Now I am able to act and sing, doing what I love," Henderson said. "I am not a great dancer but I can bust one cool move on the dance floor - the back flip." The music is what appealed to Henderson the most about this project. While his character is less than stellar on the dance floor, Henderson does have a secret move in his back pocket.

"In the last year, I have been finding new ways to use my voice," he said. "It was the coolest first experience on set." Henderson always has enjoyed singing but never really considered himself a singer.
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"We filmed in a movie theatre and I was in a fight scene with the main character, Smash," Henderson recalls. His first on-camera role was as a guest star on the television seriesFriday Night Lights. After he attended an acting studio in his hometown when he was 16 years old, he fell in love with acting.
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Worth, Texas, Henderson, Logan always wanted to be in the entertainment business but wasn't certain how to get started. LOGAN HENDERSON: Logan Henderson identifies most with his character Logan - from his two left feet on the dance floor to his playful and confident persona - in the new Nickelodeon live-action comedy Big Time Rush. Maslow spends much of his time on the 5 freeway driving back and forth from San Diego to Los Angeles and hopes to lay down roots in L.A. Maslow also currently finds time to train in Saito Ninjutsu, a form of martial arts his father introduced him to at the age of 10. Whitney, the tallest mountain in the continental U.S., in frigid winter conditions. When he has a moment to spare, Maslow loves surfing, riding horses and mountain climbing. He adds, "The great thing about playing James is that as an actor, I get to take it to the extreme, and it's fun to show off when you're being asked to do that as the character is completely self-absorbed and is always making a fool of himself."Īs a singer/songwriter who plays the piano and guitar, Maslow feels this project "is a dream come true" and he is ready for "the big challenge to do it well and to do it right." "Both singing and acting are so rewarding that I couldn't pick between the two." Thankfully, he doesn't have to choose as his new role allows him to do it all. "Singing is what got me into everything and made me fall in love with this industry," Maslow said. He also stars in the independent feature Mean. Recently, Maslow guest starred on iCarly as the cute boy who causes a rift between best friends Carly and Sam when they fight over who saw him first. He then attended the Coronado School of the Arts but decided an independent study program was better for him after he was told to choose between the arts or football.

Determined to be an entertainer, he transferred to San Diego School of Creative and Performing Arts, which was approximately thirty miles from his home, in eighth grade - knowing that he would have to get up at five in the morning to catch the bus and getting home sometimes took up to four hours. "Some of my favorite memories are singing at the San Diego Padres game with the Children's Choir and performing in La Boheme with the San Diego Opera," he said. Maslow joined the San Diego Children's Choir, igniting an undying passion for singing and performing. After moving from New York to Florida to Chicago, the rising star finally settled with his family in La Jolla, Calif. Maslow was raised in La Jolla, Calif., after being born in New York City on July 16, 1990. Maslow is the antithesis of his character James, who has the biggest ego of all his friends and believes that he and the group are the coolest guys ever. JAMES MASLOW: A singer, dancer and actor, James Maslow stars in the live-action comedy series, Big Time Rush.